Unterrichtsfächer von Horkesgath

Friday 13th

It was a nice, warm Friday. But it was the 13th. Leon S. Kennedy wanted to visit his parents. He drove to Racconcity in his old, comfortable, nice BMW. He arrived at his parents' house and went in. He shouted, "Mom, Dad are you at home?"

He shut the door - and his right hand was full of blood. Leon went along the hall into the kitchen. Then he saw his mother with a knife in her head on the floor.The floor was full of blood. She was dead. Suddenly he heard a scream. It came from the living - room. Leon went in. His father lay on the sofa, without a head. Blood gurgled out of his neck and an axe lay next to him. Leon was frightened. He wanted to phone the FBI. But the phone was dead. Leon took the gory axe and said, "What's going on in this house ?"

He knew that a shotgun was in the cupboard. He fetched it. Then he went upstairs. He opened the door of the bedroom. A little zombie with a knife stood there. Leon took the axe and hacked the zombie's head off. Blood gurgled. Then he went to his brother's room. The door was full of blood. He cocked the shotgun before he opened the door. In the room there was a zombie, too. Leon shot.The zombie flew through the window into the garden. Leon wanted to go into the garden. But the door was stuck. Leon could not open it. And then there was a loud sound. Zombies came flying from all the windows in the house. They rushed at Leon, broke his neck and started to eat him. Poor Leon.

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