Unterrichtsfächer von Horkesgath

The Ghost-Town

It was a beautiful warm day in autumm and Family Lee were on their way to Africa. They sat in a coach with a strange coachman. It already dawned and they stopped in a deserted, old town. It was dark outside and they went into one of the houses. When they were in their rooms they all wanted to sleep.They went to bed - but the coachman guarded the coach outside.

Suddenly Jo-Ann, the daughter, heard footsteps on the stairs. She stared and couldn't believe her eyes - there was blood on the stairs. She followed the trail downstairs. Then she saw two hacked-off hands, three hacked-off heads and a lot of dead bodies on the floor. She screamed and the family came running down the stairs. Everbody shouted. They saw two flying gory axes in the air.

Suddenly they heard a terrible noise. They looked outside the window and saw that the coachman changed into a zombie. It rushed into the house and killed the parents at once. The children escaped through the back door to the coach. They drove into the dark night. Their flight took five days. When they came home they went to the police. The police drove to the town but couldn't find anything. The house was empty. The children aren't going to travel to Africa again.

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